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One recurring source of income and work for landlords and agents is rental. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved in the rental process. However; one of the recurring issues that always arise is that of fair wear and tear. It is very hard to define under the law. There are many differing interpretations from person to person.


What our company hopes to do to solve this major pain point is through the provision of a comprehensive survey service both before and after the rental period to protect both landlord and tenant.


From our experience; if there are clear “before” and “after” pictures comprehensively setting out the state and condition of the property both before the tenancy and after it ends. It prevents disputes and allows both parties to be protected.


Importantly; for agents who routinely monitor and broker these transactions. Their experience of this service is that it allows them to spend more time on building their client relationships, network and portfolio management.


Overwatch Total for Landlords:


Sometimes facts and photos though are not enough and you need the strong arm of the law to intervene. This is where our company is fortunate in being able to call our legal partners to help with the initial routine enforcement and compliance of tenancies.


If you engaged us at the start of the tenancy as Landlord; and the tenant doesn’t pay rent or disputes your claims for rectification at the end of the tenancy. That is where you can rest assured that all the initial leg work setting out the best case for you as Landlord; such as letters of demand against the tenant incorporating our survey report will allow you to choose to enforce your claim against the tenant with the least possible hassle.

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